The Zsh Pony
Table of Contents
- 1 Preface
- 2 Grml-zshrc
- 3 Switching directories for lazy people
- 4 Share history file amongst all Zsh sessions, ignoring dupes
- 5 Option Setting in Zsh, AKA setopt*
- 6 Replace spaces in filenames with a underline
- 7 Fast Manpage access
- 8 Completion System
- 9 Globbing / Glob Qualifiers
- 10 Keybindings
- 10.1 Run `bindkey` to get a listing of currently active keybindings
- 10.2 Get emacs-like keybindings
- 10.3 Tip: run "bindkey ctrl-v <keys>" to find out which action is bount to a key
- 10.4 Some interesting keybindings
- 10.5 Remove last part from directory name
- 10.6 Keybindings {up,down}-line-or-search and history-beginning-search-{backward,forward}-end
- 10.7 Incremental search with history-incremental-pattern-search-backward:
- 10.8 Zsh Line Editor (AKA zle)
- 10.9 Edit command line in editor
- 10.10 Insert a timestamp on the command line (yyyy-mm-dd)
- 10.11 Insert last typed word
- 10.12 Complete word from history with menu
- 11 Loadable modules
- 12 Prompt
- 13 Get VCS information into your prompt - vcs_info
- 14 Hashed directories
- 15 On-the-fly editing of variables
- 16 History
- 17 Text replacing
- 18 Suffix aliases
- 19 Grml-zshrc specific stuff
- 20 Fast directory switching
- 21 Speed up typing
- 22 FAQ
- 23 Important Resources
- 24 Credits
- 25 Copyright
1 Preface
The Zsh defaults to a minimalistic configuration which doesn't show the potential behind this powerful and flexible shell. The Zsh pony project provides a list of really hot stuff of what's possible with Zsh.
2 Grml-zshrc
Grab a fully featured Zsh configuration:
% wget -O .zshrc
3 Switching directories for lazy people
% setopt autocd && /tmp
4 Share history file amongst all Zsh sessions, ignoring dupes
% setopt append_history share_history histignorealldups
5 Option Setting in Zsh, AKA setopt*
% setopt $OPTION % man zshoptions
6 Replace spaces in filenames with a underline
% autoload -U zmv % touch 1\ 2 3\ 4\ 5 % zmv '* *' '$f:gs/ /_'
7 Fast Manpage access
% autoload run-help % echo foo | xargs <esc-h> and then: % git commit<esc-h> or even ('g' being an alias for git and 'co' and git alias for commit): % g co<esc-h>
8 Completion System
8.1 Enable completion
% autoload compinit && compinit % kill c<tab> % man z<tab> % dpkg -L <tab>
8.2 Menu Selection
% zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
Tip: Get completion help running 'ctrl-x h'.
8.3 Use colors in completion
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
8.4 Pick item but stay in the menu
% bindkey -M menuselect "+" accept-and-menu-complete % ls <tab> +
9 Globbing / Glob Qualifiers
Makes find(1) useless for many jobs.
% setopt extendedglob % rm ../debianpackage(.) # remove files only % ls -d *(/) # list directories only % ls /etc/*(@) # list symlinks only % ls -l *.(png|jpg|gif) # list pictures only % ls *(*) # list executables only % ls /etc/**/zsh # which directories contain 'zsh'? % ls **/*(-@) # list dangling symlinks ('**' recurses down directory trees) % ls foo*~*bar* # match everything that starts with foo but doesn't contain bar
The e glob qualifier - e.g. to match all files of which file says that they are JPEGs:
% ls *(e:'file $REPLY | grep -q JPEG':)
- (#s) or (#e) for what ^ and $ are in regexps (beginning of line/end of line)
- (#b) or (#m) to enable backreferences
- (#i) to match case insensitive
- (#a) to match approximately (certain errors are ignored, e.g. "(#a1)foo*" matches the string "ofobar")
Tip: run e.g. `ls *(<tab>` to get help regarding globbing.
10 Keybindings
10.1 Run `bindkey` to get a listing of currently active keybindings
- ^ := ctrl
- ^[ := esc
10.2 Get emacs-like keybindings
Zsh defaults to vi keybindings ('bindkey -v') if $VISUAL or $EDITOR contain string 'vi'. Run 'bindkey -e' to get emacs-like keybindings then.
10.3 Tip: run "bindkey ctrl-v <keys>" to find out which action is bount to a key
10.4 Some interesting keybindings
Keybinding | Meaning |
ctrl-d | complete + EOF |
ctrl-l | clear screen |
ctrl-w | delete last word |
ctrl-_ | undo |
tab | complete and take first result |
esc-. | insert last parameter of last typed command (similar to typing !$) |
ctrl-a | begin of line |
ctrl-e | end of line |
alt-' | quote-line ('') |
alt-? | which-command |
ctrl-k | kill line |
ctrl-u | kill while line (kill-ring) |
ctrl-w | copy last word (kill-ring) |
ctrl-y | yank (insert kill-ring) |
esc-q | push line |
10.5 Remove last part from directory name
% slash-backward-kill-word() { local WORDCHARS="${WORDCHARS:s@/@}" zle backward-kill-word } % zle -N slash-backward-kill-word % bindkey '\e^?' slash-backward-kill-word % cd /usr/share/doc/mutt/examples/<alt+backspace> Note: configured by default in grml-zshrc, so ready for usage out-of-the-box.
10.6 Keybindings {up,down}-line-or-search and history-beginning-search-{backward,forward}-end
% echo 123 % echo 234 % ls and then: % echo <cursor-up|down> vs. % echo 2<page-up|down>
10.7 Incremental search with history-incremental-pattern-search-backward:
% <ctrl-r>scp*r
10.8 Zsh Line Editor (AKA zle)
- It's what readline is for bash (move, delete, copy words/lines/…)
- Basic layout of custom widgets, used like functions:
% foobar() { LBUFFER="foobar $LBUFFER"; } # function % zle -N foobar # declare function as bindable widget % bindkey '^x^s' foobar # bind command to a keybinding
- ctrl-x-z provides helpzleparsekeybindings in grml-zshrc
10.9 Edit command line in editor
% autoload edit-command-line && zle -N edit-command-line % bindkey '\ee' edit-command-line % $SOME_COMMAND_LINE <esc-e>
10.10 Insert a timestamp on the command line (yyyy-mm-dd)
insert-datestamp() { LBUFFER+=${(%):-'%D{%Y-%m-%d}'}; } zle -N insert-datestamp bindkey '^Ed' insert-datestamp
10.11 Insert last typed word
% insert-last-typed-word() { zle insert-last-word -- 0 -1 }; % zle -N insert-last-typed-word; % bindkey "\em" insert-last-typed-word % mv foobar <esc-m>
10.12 Complete word from history with menu
% zle -C hist-complete complete-word _generic % zstyle ':completion:hist-complete:*' completer _history % bindkey "^X^X" hist-complete
11 Loadable modules
11.1 Play tetris
% autoload -U tetris % tetris
11.2 URL quoting
% autoload -U url-quote-magic % zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic
Disclaimer: annoying when using e.g.{1,2,3}.tgz
12 Prompt
% autoload -U promptinit % promptinit % prompt fire % prompt <tab>
12.1 Exit code in prompt, if it's not exit code 0
12.2 Special functions
12.2.1 precmd(): executed before each prompt - e.g. for setting prompt information
12.2.2 preexec(): running before every command - e.g. for setting GNU screen title
12.3 RPOMPT with a smiley (note: the version in grml-zshrc is more sophisticated -> moving smiley)
precmd () { RPROMPT="%(?..:()%" }
13 Get VCS information into your prompt - vcs_info
autoload -Uz vcs_info precmd() { psvar=() vcs_info [[ -n $vcs_info_msg_0_ ]] && psvar[1]="$vcs_info_msg_0_" } PS1="%m%(1v.%F{green}%1v%f.)%# "
14 Hashed directories
% hash -d doc=/usr/share/doc % cd ~doc % hash -d deb=/var/cache/apt/archives % sudo dpkg -i ~deb/foobar*deb
15 On-the-fly editing of variables
% vared PATH
16 History
Supports csh style bang history expansion.
% history # last 16 events % history -E 0 # all history events including date/time information % !23 # Re-execute history command 23 % !! # The last command. % !$ # Last word of the last command. % !-2 # The last but one command. % !-2$ # The last word of the command before the last command. % !#$ # The last word of the current command line. % !#0 # The first word of the current command line. % !?foo # The last command that matches the pattern `foo'. % !?foo?1 # The second word of the last command line that matches `foo'.
…and that's really just the start. History expansion is extremely versatile and powerful - but also a bit cryptic for the untrained eye. Practice, young padawan, makes perfect. .o( man zshexpn | less -p '^HISTO.*ANSION$' )
16.1 fc
- fc -p/fc -a/fc -P deals with the "history stack"
- "fc -p" clears out the current history and starts with a new one, until you run fc -P, which will restore the old history again
- You can use that to "bind" certain histories to specific directories.
16.2 Top 10 commands
16.3 Check your history for most frequently used commands and create aliases/functions for them (AKA top10):
% print -l -- ${(o)history%% *} | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10
17 Text replacing
% mkdir -p /tmp/linux-2.6.3{8,9}/demo % cd /tmp/linux-2.6.38/demo % cd 38 <tab> % echo foo % ^foo^bar % echo foo_bar % echo !$:s/foo/baz/
18 Suffix aliases
% alias -s txt=vim % foobar.txt % alias -s pdf=xpdf % print.pdf
19 Grml-zshrc specific stuff
19.1 List changelog of a Debian package
19.2 In-place mkdir to create directory under cursor or the selected area
% cp file /tmp/doesnotexist/<ctrl-xM>
19.3 Create a temporary directory and change cwd to it
% cdt
19.4 Directory specific shell configuration with Zsh
See Hint: do you remember the fc section? You can combine the directory specific shell configuration with 'fc -p $file'!
19.5 Smart cd
% which cd cd () { if [[ -f ${1} ]] then [[ ! -e ${1:h} ]] && return 1 print "Correcting ${1} to ${1:h}" builtin cd ${1:h} else builtin cd ${1} fi } % cd /etc/fstab
19.6 grml-zsh-fg
% vim # ... <ctrl-z> % echo foobar % <ctrl-z>
19.7 sudo-command-line
% which sudo-command-line sudo-command-line () { [[ -z $BUFFER ]] && zle up-history if [[ $BUFFER != sudo\ * ]] then BUFFER="sudo $BUFFER" CURSOR=$(( CURSOR+5 )) fi } % gparted /dev/sda <ctrl-o s>
20 Fast directory switching
% cd -<tab>
20.1 check out "dirstack handling" in grml-zshrc for persistent directory stack feature
21 Speed up typing
Long version | Short version |
for i in $(seq 2 9); do echo $i ; done | for i in {2..9}; echo $i |
ls $(which vim) | ls =vim |
cat bar baz $PIPECHAR sort | sort <b{ar,az} |
ls /usr/share/doc/mutt/examples | ls /u/s/d/m/e<tab> |
gzip -cd foo.gz && less foo | less <(gzip -cd foo.gz) |
ls >file1; ls >file2; ls >file3 | ls >file1 >file2 >file3 |
- | less <file1 <file2 |
- | diff <(sort foo) <(sort bar) |
- | xpdf =(zcat ~doc/grml-docs/zsh/grml-zsh-refcard.pdf.gz) |
22 FAQ
- Q: How to I get a listing of all my currently in use options?
setopt ksh_option_print && setopt or: printf '%s=%s\n' "${(@kv)options}"
- Q: Why do I get "zsh: command not found:" even though I just installed the program?
Answer: execute:
% rehash
or use completion system as provided by grml-zshrc (completion will rehash automatically).
- Q: What's this strange word splitting thing?
Answer: see
% var="foo bar" % args() { echo $#; } % args $var 1 % setopt shwordsplit % args $var 2
23 Important Resources
- Zsh Homepage:
- Zsh Wiki:
- Zsh Manpages: man zshall
- Zsh Reference Card:
- User's Guide to ZSH: (old but still interesting)
- Zsh Talk by caphuso:
- English Book:
- German Book:
- Grml's Zsh stuff:
24 Credits
Thanks to Frank Terbeck for reviewing and his valuable feedback (which isn't limited to this document :)).
25 Copyright
(c) 2011 by Michael Prokop <>