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Release Notes for grml 2009.05 - codename Lackdose-Allergie


grml is a Debian-based Live-CD. It includes a collection of GNU/Linux software especially for system administrators and users of texttools. grml provides automatic hardware detection. You can use grml for example as a rescue system, for analyzing systems/networks or as a working environment. It is not necessary to install anything to a harddisk, you don't even need a harddisk to run it, unless you want to. Due to on-the-fly decompression grml includes more than 2GB of software and documentation on the CD.

Main Bugfixes

Fixed several small bugs and issues reported on grml_2008.11 @ grml-wiki and in the bug tracking system.

New features

Special new features:

New grml-scripts:

grml2usb (install grml ISO(s) on usb device for booting):

Visit the usb webpage in the grml wiki and for more details regarding grml2usb.

grml-debootstrap (wrapper around debootstrap for installing plain Debian via grml):

Visit for more details regarding grml-debootstrap.


Based on vanilla kernel including several patches and additional modules:

  aufs drbd8 iscsitarget kqemu loop-aes lzma ndiswrapper openafs rt2400
  rt73 sl-modem speakup squashfs sysprof tp-smapi virtualbox-ose-guest

Visit for more details regarding the grml-kernel.

Important Changes

Packages / Software

Details about shipped packages and their versions on grml are available at the Debian section. Visit dpkg_get_selections for a main package listing and dpkg_list for a more detailed list of packages shipped with grml 2009.05.


Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 19th of may 2009 (plus some further selected updates).

Removed 82 packages (excluding lib* and *2.6.26-grml*) - please notice that some of them are available under different names/in different packages:

  *2.6.26-grml* lib*

  bzr cheops cryopid cupsddk cupsddk-drivers cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client
  db4.3-util dillo dropbear elfkickers es fblogo firescope fragroute funionfs
  g++-4.1 gcc-4.1 gdk-imlib11 gqcam gqview hdaps-utils honeyd hpijs hplip
  hplip-data idswakeup ifupdown-scripts-zg2 igal imlib-base imlib11 ipset jmon
  linux-wlan-ng lmbench lspowertweak madwifi-tools nemesis nttcp open-vm-tools
  paketto potion powertweak-gtk powertweakd python-feedparser python-imaging
  python-newt python-numeric python-pyogg python-urlgrabber sam shc shorewall
  shorew all-common shorewall-shell sing sjog snort snort-common
  snort-common-libraries snort-rules-default snownews stegdetect tetex-base tspc
  ttf-bitstream-vera unionfs-tools vim-python vim-ruby waproamd xdialog xmove
  xserver-xorg-input-elo2300 xserver-xorg-input-evtouch xserver-xorg-video-cyrix
  xserver-xorg-video-i810 xserver-xorg-video-imstt xserver-xorg-video-ivtv
  xserver-xorg-video-nsc xserver-xorg-video-vga xsteg

Added 28 new packages (exluding lib* and *2.6.28-grml*):

  console-setup consolekit cowbuilder debsig-verify dvtm elfsh gcc-4.4-base
  geeqie geeqie-common geoip-database gs-common icedax igal2 iw policykit
  python-numpy python-repo rtbug sensible-utils speakup-tools tf tor-geoipdb
  tsconf ttf-freefont u3-tool virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 xserver-common

Major changes since release 2008.11 (20081201)

Known issues

Take a look at grml_2009.05 @ grml-wiki. Please report problems using information on

Download grml 2009.05

grml 2009.05 can be downloaded from the mirrors listed on


Your comments, bug reports, patches, and suggestions will help fixing bugs and improving future releases. If you find a problem with the release please check grml_2009.05 @ grml-wiki and report problems using information on Please send your feedback and feature requests to the grml-team!


Many thanks in this release go to Thomas Lehmann, Wernfried Haas, Jan-Hendrik Zab, Christian Hofstaedtler, Ralf Moll, Marc Haber, Thorsten Glaser, Lothar Speil, Michael Whapples, Andreas Korsten, Baptiste Daroussin, Ulrich Dangel and Moritz Augsburger for their contributions. Many thanks also to the ones of you who donated something to the grml-team and of course to all those who have sent feedback since the last release!

More Information

You can find out more about grml on our website, IRC channel, and wiki.

To sign up for future grml announcements, please subscribe to grml's announcement list.

Further Questions?

Contact us.


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