This Grml release provides fresh software packages from Debian testing (AKA jessie). As usual it also incorporates up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the previous Grml release.
Details about shipped packages and their versions on Grml are available in the Debian section. Visit dpkg_list for a detailed list of packages shipped with Grml 2014.03(-rc1).
Packages are taken from Debian testing, 22rd of March 2014. 18 packages have been removed, and these 22 new packages have been added (plus dependencies, excluding lib* and kernel image):
dump ifenslave nocache openssh-sftp-server python-crypto python-dnspython python-ldb python-lockfile python-ntdb python-samba python-talloc python-tdb qemu-system-common qemu-system-x86 samba-common-bin samba-dsdb-modules samba-libs sysvinit-core tcplay tdb-tools xserver-xorg-video-modesetting xulrunner-24.0
These Debian packages have been removed/replaced (excluding lib* and kernel image):
ifenslave-2.6 recover ruby1.8 rubygems ttf-dejavu-core ufsutils vgabios xserver-xorg-video-apm xserver-xorg-video-ark xserver-xorg-video-chips xserver-xorg-video-i128 xserver-xorg-video-rendition xserver-xorg-video-s3 xserver-xorg-video-s3virge xserver-xorg-video-sis xserver-xorg-video-tseng xserver-xorg-video-voodoo xulrunner-17.0
Grml 2014.03-rc1 can be downloaded from
Your comments, bug reports, patches, and suggestions will help fixing bugs and improving future releases. If you find a problem with the release please check the known bugs list and report problems using information on Please send your feedback and feature requests to the Grml team!
Many thanks in this release go to (alphabetically) Andras Korn, Andreas Gredler, Axel Beckert, Bernhard Tittelbach, Christian Hofstaedtler, Christoph Biedl, Lukas Prokop, Marc Haber, Michael Schierl, Patrick Schleizer, Raoul and Thilo Six for their contributions.
You can find out more about Grml on our website, IRC channel, and wiki.
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