Download Grml 2024.02
Get the current stable release here.
Download the Grml flavour you need, then write it to a CD-ROM/DVD or an empty USB stick.
Daily images
Older releases
Source code (one tgz for both architectures)
Netboot packages:
64-bit 32-bit
Just dd(1) the downloaded ISO to an empty USB key!
dd bs=4M status=progress conv=fdatasync if=grml64-full_2024.02.iso of=/dev/USB_KEY
Boot option guide
Verify your download
Please verify all downloads!
Alongside the actual download files (ISO, netboot, sources), the Grml mirrors publish the extra files SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.gpg.
The SHA256SUMS file contains checksums for all available release files.
The SHA256SUMS.gpg file provides the GnuPG signature for that file.
Once you have SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.gpg in the same directory as your Grml downloads, verify the checksum file via:
gpg --keyid-format long --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS
If you don't have our GnuPG signing key (key ID 0x96A87872B7EA3737, fingerprint 33CC B136 401A FEC8 43A3 8763 96A8 7872 B7EA 3737), run:
gpg --keyid-format long --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys 0x96A87872B7EA3737
Finally verify the checksum of your Grml downloads, via:
sha256sum --ignore-missing -c SHA256SUMS
Source code
The Grml team uses Git for managing software and packages. The repositories are available online at GitHub.