_ _ __ | | __ _ | '__| _ __ ___ | | / _` || |:::| '_ ` _ \ | | | (_| ||_|:::| | | | | ||_| :\__, |::::::|_| |_| |_|::: :|___/::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: version small 0.1 :: ::::: codename zugschlus :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: GRML-small - Knoppix for sysadmins ================================== grml-small is a bootable CD (Live-CD) based on Knoppix and Debian. grml-small includes a collection of GNU/Linux software for system administrators and provides automatic hardware detection. Whereas grml (without the -small) provides more than about 2.1GiB of software on a 700MB-ISO, grml-small is a very small rescue system for systemadministrators. It is not necessary to install anything to a harddisk, you don't even need a harddisk to run it. Due to on-the-fly decompression grml-small includes about 150 MB of software and still fits on a business card CD-ROM or USB device with 50MB. http://grml.org/ Release small 0.1 - Codename Zugschlus (20050705) ================================================= Initial release of grml-small, a very small version of the grml-system. Notice that there are several hacks to reduce the ISO-size, so you won't find for example documentation and manpages on the ISO. grml-small provides support for booting via USB, see https://github.com/grml/grml/wiki/usb for details. Kernel is based on vanilla kernel 2.6.12 including several patches (MPPC/MPPE, Reiser4, Squashfs,...) but compared with the normal grml system the kernel features have been reduced. See http://grml.org/kernel/ for more details. To fit on a 50MB-ISO the software list has been reduced of course, see section "Debian-Information" on http://grml.org/files/ for more details, there you can find the dpkg-list too: http://grml.org/files/release-0.1-small/dpkg_list Please send feedback, feature requests and bug reports to the grml-team! http://grml.org/contact/ contact (at) grml.org #grml on irc.freenode.org regards, -mika- -- ,'"`. http://www.michael-prokop.at/ ( grml.org -» Linux for texttool-users and sysadmins `._,' http://www.grml.org/