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Introduction / grml-zsh-refcard / grmlzshrc(5) / grml-zsh-config / zsh-lovers / Resources


One of the main features of the grml system is the zsh (Z shell). The zsh is the default interactive shell of the grml system. On this webpage you will find information regarding the zsh on grml.


The grml-zsh-refcard provides a short overview of defined aliases, functions and settings of zsh on the grml system. Download it, print it and improve your zsh skills!


grmlzshrc(5) is a manpage providing detailled information about grml’s zsh configuration. On the grml system it is available offline via man grmlzshrc. An online version is available as well:


You do not have to use grml/Debian to use grml’s zsh configuration. Just retrieve and install the configuration files in your home directory via executing for example:

# IMPORTANT: please note that you might override an existing
# configuration file in the current working directory! =>
wget -O .zshrc

# Optionally also grab the user configration:
# wget -O .zshrc.local

Tip: Archlinux users may use an official grml-zsh-config package.


zsh-lovers is a small project which tries to collect tips, tricks and examples for the Z shell. Authors of the zsh-lovers manual page are Christian ‘strcat’ Schneider, Matthias Kopfermann and Michael Prokop.

Main part of zsh-lovers is the manual page which is available in several formats:

The zsh-lovers archive includes the zsh-lovers manual page and several zsh configuration files. Get it from the zsh-lovers directory at the grml repository.

Notice: If you would like to have zsh-lovers on your Debian system add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list (run apt-get update && apt-get install zsh-lovers):

# grml-repository
deb grml-stable  main</pre>

If you find any bugs or suggestions please mail us! Feedback is welcome - help us to improve it!




Zsh configuration files:

German information: